Team Rules
Code of Conduct
Team Rules
Jefferson Twp. High School Bowling Team
2007 – 2008 Season
- Each student is responsible for his/her own
transportation to and from practices and matches.
- Jefferson Township High School will provide uniform
shirts. Students must wear these shirts to compete at any match. The full
uniform includes the shirt provided and a pair of black or khaki dress pants.
No jeans allowed. Girls may wear dress shorts or skirt (no higher than 3
inches above the knee) and nylons must be worn if choosing this attire. Also,
no jeans are allowed during practices.
- All visitors and spectators will remain on concourse out
of bowlers’ area during practices and matches. Athletes are to stay in the
bowlers’ area at all times unless excused by the coach. Interaction with
anyone other than the coach, teammates or opponents during practices and
matches is prohibited.
- When the coach is addressing the team or group of
players, no one else is talking.
- 1st Offense – Counseling with coach
- 2nd Offense – Sit out rest of practice or
match (choice #1) OR give immediate talk to team about importance of
listening (choice #2)
- 3rd Offense – Sit out next two matches
- 4th Offense – Dismissal from team
- Tardiness to practice:
- 1st Offense – Counseling with coach
- 2nd Offense – Sit out next match (or
practice if early in preseason), but still must be present (choice #1) OR
write 500 word essay on aspect of bowling as determined by coach (choice #2)
- 3rd Offense – Sit out next two matches, but
still must be present
- 4th Offense – Dismissal from team
- Unexcused absence from practice:
- 1st Offense – Sit out next match (or
practice if early in preseason), but still must be present (choice #1) OR
write 1,000 word essay on aspect of bowling as determined by coach (choice
- 2nd Offense – Sit out next two matches (or
first two matches if early in preseason), but still must be present
- 3rd Offense – Dismissal from team
- Tardiness to match:
- 1st Offense – Sit out that match, but still
must remain
- 2nd Offense – Sit out that match and next
match, but still must be present
- 3rd Offense – Dismissal from team
- Unexcused absence from a match:
- 1st Offense – Counseling with coach and sit
out next two matches, but still must be present
- 2nd Offense – Dismissal from team
- Not in FULL UNIFORM for match:
- 1st Offense – Sit out that match, but still
must remain
- 2nd Offense – Sit out that match plus next
match, but still must be present
- 3rd Offense – Dismissal from team
- Drug and alcohol use is strictly prohibited. Refer to
Jefferson Twp. High School Student Handbook.
- Swearing or abusive language / Abuse of bowling center
equipment / Bad Attitude / Unsportsmanlike conduct:
- 1st Offense – Counseling with coach
- 2nd Offense – Sit out rest of match or
practice (choice #1) OR give five minute presentation to team on
sportsmanship, respect and positive attitude (choice #2)
- 3rd Offense – Sit out next two matches (or
next two practices if early in preseason), but still must be present
- 4th Offense – Dismissal from team
Code of Conduct
Jefferson Twp. High School Bowling Team
As the coach of the Jefferson Township High School
Bowling Team, I support the principles set forth in this Code of Conduct. This
Code of Conduct applies during all practices, matches and any other “official
events” as defined by Jefferson Twp. High School and is in effect from the
time the student departs their home for the event, to the time they return
from the event to their home. It is further expected that all individuals live
by the principles of this Code of Conduct at all other times. With that
understanding, I pledge that….
- I will, at all times, uphold the spirit of competition
and fair play in a manner which will bring credit and honor to my Coach, my
teammates, my opponents, Jefferson Twp. High School and myself.
- I will, at all times, abide by all of the rules which
govern any of the events in which I compete in the true spirit of
- I will be financially responsible for any damage to
person or property found to be caused by me or resulting from my
participation, either passive or active.
- I will be responsible for my personal belongings at
all times.
- I will wear the uniform shirt provided by Jefferson
Twp. High School.
- I will attend all meetings, practices and competitions
unless excused by my Coach.
- I will, both on and off the lanes, display a
respectful attitude in the presence of my Coach, teammates, competitors,
spectators and the public.